          記得,我們有約 第11集 Ep 11 記得,我們有約-第11集-ep-11/ Part 3 At 07:09/14:01"Lwall.Job.Ju" made first mistake failed to bring "Dean.Down" (Why "Dean.Down" can have right to go to visit him? Because he is still her guest, just like a hotel needs to take care the guest, when that guest happening any unexpected accident out of that hotel while he or she is that hotel guest not yet check ou 租房子t. "Lwall.Job.Ju" should have had brought "Dean.Down" to see his own dad, to let him know that owner of that "Mean.Sue" cares about him.) to see his own dad, it's the second chance he may make up that mistake that failed him at that first place by handed out that company totally to someone really richer more powerful more forceful than him a 關鍵字行銷s per the Contract says and signed by his dad, and not to accept any position that richer more powerful more forceful offer to him, because he failed to help his dad to be better, he has no way to help anyone else who is even richer more powerful more forceful than his own Dad, not mention that richer more powerful more forceful is a female dressed animal controlled 關鍵字排名tooled slaved by her own dad, a daughter cannot make her dad to follow her will instead of she following his order, that daughter too suck to be a daughter, not mention to be anyone else boss, you are the daughter, you dad cannot follow your voice, the only thing you must do is not to see him again, your dad wants to see you, he has to do whatever you tell him to do (That how Condi R seoice needs to tell her dad Bush senior to watch her to starve to die; that how all existing Presidents's daughters must be killed immediately.); "Lwall.Job.Ju" dad is a man, married a woman cares him more than he cares her, therefore, he can understand a man can have that good luck to find a woman loved cared by him more important than find a woman who loves or cares him more than he cares her (Because h 21世紀房屋仲介er care or love alone not good enough to help rich famous powerful forceful like him to deal with any money power sex temptation.) ; that how his dad willing to sign that Contract in the case his company must have to rely on other person to care after his dad failed, so that his dad can free his son from taking over his dad's burden. He regreted to have signed that contract, because his son indeed got that land with the 售屋網 time line; had he had the patience to wait for the time to expire, things would have had been totally turning his side.When a man truly loves a woman, he does not need to care whatever environment issue, not mention whatever company's sucking future; a man does not truly fall in love with a woman, he has no way to deal with money power sex corruption in any way to care that woman who is less rich less powerful less forceful less authority than 酒肉朋友him. Therefore, if he cannot be good enough to deserve that best luck to find his only true love woman, the best he can do is to marry a woman who has richer more famous more powerful back ground and smarter than him the same time cares him more than her own life, so that she can stay inside her own place by herself (because rich wife rich daughter rich mom, must surrounded by evil doers, woman grouped together always following low lower lowest that your rich wife r 房屋貸款ich daughter rich mom must not afford to have any thing to do with that low; therefore, your rich wife rich daughter rich mom must have to have the best will and best strength to stay inside her own place by herself.) when he wants her to do so, so that she can give him any help when his business must need someone smarter stronger than him to deal with any problem (Because problem must caused by immoral wrong doing, therefore, only good will good strength moral person can be good [If you f 找房子ollow low lower lowest to tool whatever "Sin.G" to deal with any problem, you can only make that problem getting worse, not mention to solve any problem.] enough to deal with it. Your rich wife can have that right to come out along with you or by herself only to deal the problem for you, must because she showed better will and better strength to be a better moral person than you.)   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 宜蘭民宿  .

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